Al-Mustafa Open University

▼ English - EN

Islamic Ethics-Moral Philosophy

Degree: Master's Degree
Presentation Language: English
Course fee: The tuition fee varies depending on the country in which you reside.

Islamic Ethics-Moral Philosophy

Islamic ethics discusses and provides principles and guidelines for living based on morals using Islamic teachings for all stages of life in this world. This program provides and introduction to the ideas of important figures and thinkers in ethics from different schools of thought.

Objectives of the course

1. Educating students in Islamic Ethics at the Master’s level.
2. Analytical and logical introduction of Islamics Ethics for an international audience.
3. Rigorous defense of Islamic ethical teachings through critical analysis of competing theories

Subjects offered

1. Analytic Ethics; based on philosophy of ethics, and normative ethical theory

2. General prerequisites: General Psychology, Introduction to Sociology, Anthropology, Introduction to Islamic Philosophy, Introduction to Islamic Education, Islamic Mysticism, Psychology of Ethics.

3. Islamic Ethics, based on ethics in the Qur’an, and ethics in Hadith and traditions of Prophet Muhammad

Course details

Course Name Islamic Ethics-Moral Philosophy
Degree Master's Degree
Presentation Language English
Course certificate Provided upon completion
Course duration 4 ACADEMIC TERM