Al-Mustafa Open University

▼ English - EN

I hereby request to apply to study at Al-Mustafa Open University and commit to:

* Uploading the required documents in accordance with the university's request at the time of registration.

* Guarantee the authenticity, validity, accuracy, and compliance of all diplomas and identity information provided to the university according to valid international educational standards. If any documents are found to be inconsistent or not authentic, whether by the university or other official authorities, due to my negligence or fault, I will accept responsibility without making any claims.

* Provide the original (not copies) of all submitted documents and submit them before graduation following the university's announced criteria.

* At enrollment, I confirm that I am not simultaneously enrolled in any other universities or educational institutions in Iran. Throughout my enrollment at Al-Mustafa Open University, I agree not to enroll in any other institution without the knowledge and prior approval of this university.

* I understand that the university issues certificates and diplomas based on confirmed and authentic identity information at the time of registration.

* I acknowledge the tuition fees for my chosen field of study and understand that they may vary each semester. I will be responsible for all debts according to the university's schedule. If I fail to fulfill my financial obligations due to negligence or fault, I commit to paying all owed debts without excuse.

* I am committed to observing all Islamic etiquette, general rules, discipline, order, and punctual attendance of classes and exams in all courses.

* I recognize the university's website and educational systems as the sole sources of official information and announcements. I will not rely on any other sources for information.

* I accept the responsibility of following up and staying informed of all announcements and educational criteria of the university announced on the university website and its educational systems.

* I have carefully read and understand the terms of this agreement. I acknowledge that confirmation of this agreement, whether in person or virtually, constitutes acceptance of all stated conditions. In case of non-compliance with any of these clauses, I am subject to the decisions made by the university and agree to abide by them.