Al-Mustafa Open University

▼ English - EN

The language training and teaching center of Al-Mustafa Open University, tries to present its language courses with very good quality by using expert and experienced professors, and up-to-date and effective educational content, and also the educational portal and suitable virtual infrastructure by providing educational services; and continuously improve with continuous effort.

Dear language learners are expected, with completely knowing about the following tips before and after registration, proceed to register and take advantage of the training sessions:

1. By participating in this training course, I am committed to complying with all ethical issues, general regulations, disciplinary, discipline and attending classes and exams on time.

2. In case of absence more than allowed in the training course based on live classes, or not getting a passing score in the offered semesters, the only decision-making authority regarding the continuation of the educational process will be the language center management of university.

3. Before finalizing the registration, I am fully aware of the tuition fee of the elective course and its variables, and I am responsible for all my debts according to the schedule announced by the university.

4. After registering and paying the fee, no claim regarding the return of money will be accepted by the university. Also, in case of failure and defect to fulfill learner’s obligations which is related to learner, he will be responsible for paying all the determined debts.

5. Language learners will be eligible and acceptable to receive a course certificate if they pass the end-of-course exams and after the financial settlement.

6. The only source of information for educational announcements, the website and educational portals of the university, social networks, will be the announcement by the language teaching center, and any reference to other possibly invalid announcements in other sources will not be accepted by the university.


I read the clauses of this pledge with full knowledge; And with the knowledge that "the approval of this commitment in virtually means the acceptance of all the declared items", while fully accepting them, I announce that in case of non-compliance with any of those items, it will be followed by the university decisions and I won’t have any possibility of protest.